Anuga Cologne

Anuga - the most important trade fair for the world of food & beverages

There are many food fairs. But only one can be the world’s most important trade fair for food & beverages. And only one sets the agenda for the future: Anuga in Cologne. The reasons for its success are simple:

Appeal: All of Germany’s key decision-makers come to Anuga. So if you and your company are focused primarily on the German market, Anuga is the right fair for you.

International flair: No other fair for food & beverages attracts so many participants from other nations. Exhibitors and visitors from almost every country in the world meet here to conduct cross-border business and make international contacts. Over 6,000 suppliers and 161,000 visitors from 157 countries attended Anuga 2003, with 53 per cent coming from abroad.

Innovation: Anuga presents the latest sector trends. All of the relevant new products and concepts are presented and discussed here - so it’s the ideal setting to showcase your innovative ideas.

Information: Anuga is open only to trade visitors, and the decision-making authority of these visitors is higher than at any other fair. The trade-fair concept and the supporting programme are designed in line with the products and needs of the food & beverage sector - and thus with those of your company as well. No other trade fair offers so many benefits.

Köln Messe
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln
+49 221 821 0
+49 221 821 2574
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Period / Time:
04/10/2025 - 08/10/2025